The Refereum Prize Store is Live!
The Refereum prize store is live and will initially feature digital keys and giftcards. We will be adding support for multiple cryptocurrencies, off-chain transactions, and more in the future.

The long-awaited prize store is finally up and running! Refereum users will now be able to spend their hard earned $RFR on digital and physical goods on the Refereum prize store. The prize store will be stocked with a variety of digital gift cards and credits from your favorite retailers and game platforms, Refereum merchandise, and more.
The store currently only provides support for on-chain rewards; we are working diligently to incorporate off-chain wallets as well. We will be continuing development of the prize store, with intentions to add more vendors and goods (let us know what type of rewards you want!), support for multiple cryptocurrencies, off-chain transactions, and more. Refereum users will eventually be able to instantly receive $RFR tokens in their Refereum wallet from completing quests, along with the ability to immediately spend their $RFR tokens in the prize store.
We are working closely with current partners and soon-to-be announced future partners to bring exciting new quests and rewards for you to earn, as well as new ways to spend your $RFR. Stay tuned, because a lot of big things are happening in Q4 2019.