Refereum patch notes #1

We debuted the all-new Refereum three weeks ago, and we’ve since been working on the platform around the clock. Bugs will continue to emerge as we remain in beta, but we’ve squashed many already (on top of adding some new things, too!). Here’s an overview of how we’ve improved Refereum the past few weeks…
- Completed migration of users from Refereum Legacy to Refereum Hub.
- We introduced the first version of our new embedded stream page, which resolved some of the “watch stream” quest issues while also offering the awesome upside of allowing you to watch streams without having to leave
- We’ve increased the accuracy of stream watching quests. Most issues have been resolved, but please continue to report any remaining problems to
- We resolved the issue of stream watch progress sometimes appearing to go backwards — this was just a caching issues between our pool of web servers.
- You’ll now receive an error message when attempting to link to account that’s already linked to another account.
- We fixed the mismatch between the progress bars displayed on the main page and within the hub pages.
- We’ve started banning bot farms and are improving the automated tools we use to facilitate real-time bans.
- Reporting of AFK streams has been sped up internally; our next step is getting our Discord moderators acquainted with the tools.
- We’ve also made multiple other performance improvements to handle the increased load on our servers since release of 2.0.
Much love goes out to you, our followers, for constantly and consistently reporting bugs and making suggestions for how we can make Refereum even more awesome. We built Refereum for YOU and continue to maintain it with you in mind, so if you’ve found a bug or want us to improve or add a new feature, don’t be shy — we want to hear from you! Get in touch via email, or come tell us about it in our Discord server.